Vancouver Garburator Repair
Is your garburator jammed, noisy, sluggish, smelly or just not working? These are all signs that it is time for a Vancouver Garburator Repair.
A garburator is a relatively simple machine. It generally operates trouble-free for several years. But like any appliance, eventually it can run into issues. Before you begin making any garburator repairs, always remember to unplug or turn off the electrical circuit that powers it. Never stick your hand directly into a garburator.
Below are some tips to help you when you are facing an issue with your garburator.
Garburator is Jammed
The tell tale sign of a jammed garburator is when the motor hums but the garburator does not grind. This problem often means that a piece of food is stuck between an impeller blade and the drain hole. Do not run the garburator when it is jammed; this will only burn out the motor. To clear a jammed garburator:
- Unplug the unit or turn off the circuit breaker.
- Free the impellers. Look at the bottom of the disposal for a hex-shaped hole. Once you find it, find a ¼-inch hex wrench that fits the hole. Fit the hex wrench into the hole and turn it back and forth to free the impellers.
- If your garburator does not have a hex hole, you can try to force the impellers out. With the power disconnected, force an item (short broom stick for example) into the garburator and down against one of the blades.
- If something has been put into the garburator that shouldn’t have, use tongs or pliers to pull the material out. You should never use your hand. Items that should not go into your garburator include: metal, rubber, glass, and fibrous food waste such as banana peels.
- If nothing else has worked to remove the jammed object, you may have to remove the garburator to clear out the jam.
Garburator is Sluggish
If you find that your garburator is grinding slower than usual, it could mean that you are not running enough water while the unit is operating. If you can hear the garburator running, but it is not grinding, the blades may be broken. If this is the case, it is usually easier and less expensive to replace the entire unit. If you would like help replacing your garburator, contact us.
Garburator Doesn’t Work
If your garburator doesn’t do anything when you try to use it – meaning it doesn’t hum or make a sound, the problem is most likely that it is not receiving power. To fix this issue, look for the reset button on the underside of the garburator and press the button. If that does not fix the issue, unplug the garburator from the electrical outlet and test the outlet with another appliance. You will be able to figure out if the electrical outlet is broken. If this still does not fix the issue, go to the circuit breaker panel in your house and reset the breaker that serves the disposal (it will often be the same circuit used by the dishwasher).
From clogged garburators, slow draining water and leaks, to unusual noises and odours, call the experts at Universal Plumbing and Heating for quick and convenient Vancouver Garburator Repair.
Trying to fix the garburator yourself can cost you more than time and money. If you are not careful, you could seriously injure yourself as well. Instead, take advantage of our garburator/garbage disposal repair services.